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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Metacognition: Organizing my Room + Desk

       My little project was simple, just tidying up my room and my desk that have grown so fond of the messy stacks of papers and books. I had books and papers lying all over my desk and sprawled on the ground, so I organized them into stacks and shelved books and filed papers. I had pencils in masses from the need of a sharpened pencil after the one I had used "died." Cleaning my room is, for me, not as a lot of people describe it (painful, boring, tiring,etc.) I actually enjoy it. So I began, with Mariah Carey's "All I want for Christmas is you" "jamming" in the background....

       Before the project, I felt really messy, I couldn't think straight, my eyes kept getting distracted by the unorganized stacks of papers and books. Something inside me was uncomfortable and annoyed at seeing my room disorganized. As I was cleaning my room up I felt little by little more "relieved" as in free from all the stuffiness. It felt nice and a bit less stuffy as I saw more and more books and papers disappear from my desk and from the ground. After I was done cleaning my room, I felt accomplished and ready to do other work. I wasn't distracted by seeing my room messed up. My thoughts calmed down and I could think straight and focus on the other work that needed to be done. No more distractions... The project made my mind a bit easier to focus afterwards. I felt comfortable and ready to work on other things. The organized piles organized my thoughts and I could look around my room and not feel like there was something that I had to do before I went to bed.

       I've realized time after time that I think I might be an obsessive neat freak... I can't stand a lopsided stack on my desk or little pieces of paper embedded in my carpet, or papers lying everywhere because I was too lazy to file away into their individual folders. "Yikes" I think when I see my room slightly different than the perfect state that I like. For everything in my room I have an exact place that I want it to be, or it's safely stored in a folder or in a neat pile. If the computer screen on my desk is a little shifted from its normal position, it will most likely bother me. For me one thing is quite certain, I cannot work if the workspace around me is disheveled and messy. I get distracted with asking myself, "When am I going to clean up? Where should I put that? Where does that belong?" When my workspace is clean and organized, I feel refreshed inside like starting on a blank sheet of paper rather than a doodled paper. So naturally, after I had cleaned my room I felt ready to do anything. While cleaning my room, I find that I do some of my life related thinking. Many say it's idle work, cleaning a room, or discovering old and lost treasures, but for me it's also a time of reflection. As I organize books, I organize my thoughts, thinking ahead what I need to accomplish and what I need to get done and perhaps get around doing... Music and cleaning my room are surprisingly the medicine for reflection on my life and giving myself a refreshing start!       

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